
Research Interests

Sustainable Development Goals, Stakeholder Management, Non-market Strategy, Mixed Methods, and Global South.  

Working Papers, by broad topics

Poverty and Inequality

Polycentric Governance Among Stakeholders in Disenfranchised Communities

in collaboration with Anita McGahan.

Working Paper. 

Polycentric governance involves aligning incentives of stakeholders to overcome collective action problems (Ostrom, 1990, 2005).  Achieving this alignment is particularly difficult in disenfranchised communities.  The study then lays out an agenda on how theories of polycentrism, and more broadly, theories of management, must be adapted to the interests of stakeholders who are vulnerable, disadvantaged, impoverished, and otherwise less than wholly considered in the resolution of grand challenges and other collective action problems.

KEYWORDS: Polycentric governance, stakeholder theory, disenfranchised communities, collective action, grand challenges

Climate Change

The Normative Core of Relational Stakeholder Strategies: Open Buyer-Supplier Relations in the Amazon Rainforest

in collaboration with Sérgio Lazzarini, Dirk Boehe, and Mike Cook.

Distinguished Paper Award in Cooperative Strategy at the 80th Academy of Management Annual Meeting. Working Paper.  2nd Round at the Business Ethics Quarterly.

In this paper, we examine Natura Co., a company in the cosmetic industry that developed a complex web of open vertical and horizontal relations (a “netchain”) to procure natural inputs from the Amazon rainforest. Using an in-depth case study methodology, we argue that instrumental and normative explanations of stakeholder-oriented strategies are complementary and that the so-called shareholder primacy may actually help as long as shareholders (or whoever holds control rights) implement morally informed principles guiding those relational strategies.

KEYWORDS: Stakeholders, normative stakeholder management, relational governance, supply chains, and netchains. 

Leviathan as a Client: Public versus Private Promotion of Desalination Technologies to Address Water Scarcity

in collaboration with Ilze Kivleniece and Sérgio Lazzarini.

Working Paper.  1st Round at The Strategic Management Journal.

In this paper, we empirically explore water provision as one of the grand challenges of present times by examining the effect of public versus private clients in promoting desalination technologies. Based on a population-level data of all desalination projects worldwide from 1950 to 2015, we find that public demand-side promotion of desalination leads to a higher rate of adaption of more sustainable desalination technologies over time. Our models illustrate a public client as two to three times more likely to implement such technology than a private client. Moreover, using an instrumental variable approach, we find this effect is moderated by the institutional development of the countries, with more effective responses in moments of hydric crises (i.e., following droughts) from governments in developed institutional contexts.

KEYWORDS: Water scarcity, droughts, comparative governance, instrumental variable model.

Healthcare Management

Privacy at What Cost? Saving the Lives of HIV Patients with Electronic Medical Records

in collaboration with Laura Derksen and Anita McGahan.

Working paper. 1st Round at the Review of Economics and Statistics. 

This paper explores the impact of EMR on the healthcare of HIV/AIDS patients in Malawi. Using an staggered differences-in-differences methodology, we show that EMR implementation by Baobab Health Trust led to an increase in the number of patients in care and a gradual reduction in deaths. Field interviews suggest that EMR allowed a better tracing of lapsed patients, and therefore, helped bring more patients back into care. Heterogeneity analysis shows that these results are stronger for patients with a preference for more privacy.   

KEYWORDS: Electronic medical records (EMR), healthcare, HIV/AIDS, development, and staggered differences-in-differences.

Resource-Poor but Network-Rich: A Configurational Approach to Stakeholder Engagement for Scaling Social Innovation 

in collaboration with Aline Gatignon, Julien Clément, and Luk N. Van Wassenhove.

Working paper.  Submitted to Strategic Management Journal.

This paper explores conditions and combinations of conditions that enable healthcare clinics in resource-constrained settings to achieve superior performance, measured by the number of patient visits. We use the context of the North Star Alliance, an independent nonprofit organization that provides access to healthcare such as HIV/AIDS prevention and health treatment services for mobile populations across East, West, and Southern Africa. Using a Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) we found that clinics might achieve superior performance by (1) nurturing intensive relationships with either external or internal stakeholders or (2) using indirect coordination, gaining external resource support and internal information exchange without high costs. 

KEYWORDS: Resource-scarce communities, networks, healthcare, Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA).

Responsible Consumption and Production

Does Industry Matter to ESG, Really?

in collaboration with Witold Henisz and Michael Gavin.

Working Paper.  Reject and Resubmit at the Strategic Management Journal.

This study discusses how environmental, social, and governance (ESG) individual factors can affect firm performance heterogeneously both across and within industries.  We do so by analyzing ESG scores and the profitability of U.S. public corporations in a configurational way.  Through a fuzzy-set QCA application, we identify heterogeneous patterns by which ESG factors combine, leading some firms to superior financial performance compared with their industry peers.  Our approach reveals that different industries have distinct ESG configurations (aka. paths) that lead to higher performance.  Similarly, within the same industry, more than one ESG configuration may be associated with higher profitability.  

KEYWORDS: Nonmarket strategies; Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG); Financial Performance; Industry Heterogeneity; Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA). 

Fifty Shades of Green: A New Toolkit to Examine Firms Environmental Disclosure

in collaboration with Lígia Azevedo-Rezende, Jiaxin Li, Pedro Makhoul, and Aldo Musacchio.

Stakeholder Strategy Best PhD Student Proposal and Finalist for the Research Methods Paper Prize at the Strategic Management Society 41st Annual Conference. Working Paper.

Through a combination of text analysis, sentiment analysis, and image processing techniques, we evaluate firm environmental disclosure. Results suggest intertemporally, firms increase the amount of environmental text, with more emotional content (both positive and negative), and higher use of green pixels on their reports. This time trend is particularly prevalent among firms operating in contested areas, such as the Amazon rainforest. Interestingly, while reports become literally “greener,” firm ESG controversies score declines, suggesting a decoupling between reported actions and the true behavior of firms. 

KEYWORDS: Environmental disclosure, greenwashing, non-market strategy, text analysis, sentiment analysis, and image processing.

Published Papers

International Journals

Pongeluppe, L. S. (2024). The Allegory of the Favela: The Multifaceted Effects of Socioeconomic Mobility. Forthcoming. Administrative Science Quarterly

Winner Best Conference PhD Paper Prize at the Strategic Management Society 40th Annual Conference.

Cordeiro, G. Arvate, P. Story, J. Pongeluppe, L. S. (2023). Heroes or Villains? Agribusiness Leaders in The Amazon Region. Forthcoming. Academy of Management Discoveries. 

McGahan, A. M. & Pongeluppe, L. S. (2023). There Is No Planet B: Aligning Stakeholder Interests to Preserve the Amazon Rainforest. Management Science. 69(12): 7860-7881.

Wiliam F. Glueck Best Paper Award at the 81st Academy of Management Annual Meeting.  Best Paper Award at the 13th Alliance for Research on Corporate Sustainability Annual Conference.  Best Paper Award at the 17th Annual Social Entrepreneurship Conference.  Honorable Mention for the Best Paper Prize at the 41st Strategic Management Society Annual Conference. Working Paper. 

Pongeluppe, L. S. (2022). The Favela Effect: Spatial Inequalities and Firm Strategies in Disadvantaged Urban Communities. Strategic Management Journal. 43(13): 2777-2808. 

Best Paper Award at the 12th Annual Ivey/Alliance for Research on Corporate Sustainability PhD Sustainability Academy.

Mesquita, L. F., Saes, M. S. M., Lazzarini, S. G., & Pongeluppe, L. S. (2021). Can trust induce vertical integration? An experimental study of buyer–seller exchanges with distinct competencies and specific investments. Industrial and Corporate Change, 30(3): 778-798.

Lazzarini, S. G., Pongeluppe, L. S., Ito, N. C., Oliveira, F. D. M., & Ovanessoff, A. (2020). Public Capacity, Plural Forms of Collaboration, and the Performance of Public Initiatives: A Configurational Approach. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 30(4): 579-595. 

Monteiro, G.F.A., Yeung, L.L.T., Caleman S.M.Q. & Pongeluppe, L.S. (2019). Indigenous land demarcation conflicts in Brazil: Has the Supreme Court’s decision brought (in)stability? European Journal of Law and Economics, 48(2): 267-290.

Narsalay, R.; Pongeluppe, L.S. & Light, D. (2015). The Hidden Pitfalls of Inclusive Innovation. Stanford Social Innovation Review, v. Winter, 47-53.

Brazilian Journals

Ito, N. C., and Pongeluppe L.P. (2020). The COVID-19 outbreak and the municipal administration responses: resource munificence, social vulnerability, and the effectiveness of public actions. RAP. Revista de Administração Pública, 54.4: 782-838.

Monteiro, G.F.A; Caleman, S.M.Q.; Pongeluppe, L.S. (2019). Firm Performance and the Strategic Components of Bankruptcy Reorganization Plans. BAR. Brazilian Administration Review, 16: 1-28. 

Pongeluppe, L.S.; and Saes, M. S. M. (2014). Ambiente institucional e compra de terras por estrangeiros em países em desenvolvimento. RAUSP Revista de Administração da Universidade de São Paulo, 49(1): 9-17. 

Pongeluppe, L. S., Abdul-hak, G. S., & Carvalho, C. E. (2013). O Brasil na Reunião Ministerial de Agricultura da OCDE, Fevereiro de 2010. Pesquisa & Debate. Revista do Programa de Estudos Pós-Graduados em Economia Política, 24(1(43)): 137-151.

Book Chapters

Lazzarini, S.G., Cabral, S., Pongeluppe, L.S., Ferreira, L.C.D.M. and Rotondaro, A. (2021). The best of both worlds? Impact investors and their role in the financial versus social performance debate. In: Lehner (Ed.), A Research Agenda for Social Finance. Edward Elgar Publishing.

Boehe, D.M., Pongeluppe, L.S. & Lazzarini, S.G. (2014). Natura and the development of a sustainable supply chain in the Amazon region. In: Liberman, Garcilazo, and Stal  (Eds.), Multinationals in Latin America: Case Studies. Palgrave Macmillan, London. p. 49-71.

Pongeluppe, L.S., Moron, C.R. & Lazzarini, S.G. (2014). The Pulp and Paper Industry: The Case of Klabin company and Orsa Group. In: Ménard, Saes, Silva, and Raynaud (Eds.), Challenges to economic organization: Plural Forms. Atlas, São Paulo. P. 185-199.

Last update: October 2024