
Some of my hobbies include...


I love cinema, and I do my best to find movies related to organizations and socioeconomic development. 

Thus, I developed an online movie list on twitter under: 


Football (Soccer)

Football (soccer) is one of my favorite activities, either watching or playing. 

If you are interested in knowing more about the best team follow this link: Vai Corinthians!

Most unforgettable games:

Corinthians - Libertadores 2012 

Brazil - World Cup 1994


I play ukulele and pandeiro (a Brazilian drum) intermediate level on both, so please do not have high expectations. 

Anyway, I love music. If you want to listen to some of the best Brazilian songs, check the following playlist:

Brazilian Classic Playlist  


I love some philosophical discussions, and I often try to  read philosophy books and listen to philosophy podcasts. 

Below, I include some of my favorite resources:

Philosophize This!

Quem Somos Nós?

 Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy

Last update: July 2024